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Multiplying Conversions and Sales with AI Recommendation Engines

In this article, we will explore how recommendation engines work and how your company can drive exponential growth with them

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Social media knows you better than you know yourself. It is the life of the party, always suggesting new tunes to dance to, comedians to chuckle at, or life hacks to make your day brighter. And have you noticed how these new recommendations that continuously pop-up in your news feed always seem to align to your most recent opinions and searches?

At the same time, online retail leaders like Amazon have become your trusted shopping companions, guiding you through the best set of choices to discover the perfect product matching your unique preferences. Somehow, you always seem to be receiving hot offers and interesting product matches that are just right for you. 

No, it is not magic, it’s artificial intelligence technology.

While many people are completely unaware of what goes on within the algorithms of our favourite apps and websites, artificial intelligence is the powerful tool that digital giants have been using for years to attract millions of recurrent users, hook us to their products and services and boost conversion rates. 

In this article, we will pull back the curtain on how the algorithms behind recommendation engines work to create personalized and addictive experiences that keep us to scroll and keep coming back from more, but potentially also prevent us from receiving information that does not adhere to our own opinion. 

We will cover how startups and SMEs can leverage this technology for their own benefit, and specially how it can be used in marketplaces, e-commerce and digital platforms to capitalize all the marketing efforts and investment, multiply conversion rates and drive revenue growth.

Welcome to the power of AI based recommendation engines, a strategy that has been used by the world's largest companies to enhance user experience and drive their own sales enormously for many years. Join us on this journey through the power of AI-driven recommendations, where machine learning algorithms make predictions, patterns come to life, and the digital world becomes our personalized playground. 

What is a recommendation engine?

At its core, a recommendation engine is a specialized software system that leverages artificial intelligence, machine learning and statistical modelling to provide personalized content, product, or service suggestions. These suggestions are based on known user behaviors such as clicks, purchases, likes, and comments, as well as data collected through cookies or sign-up forms.

Take the example of a social media company such as Instagram, whose goal is to keep you engaged by providing you with content that will interest you. In order to achieve this goal, they will utilise all of your interactions within Instagram and use a machine learning algorithm to predict the next post that will engage you into continuing with the desired action. For instance, a click onto one of their ad posts. 

As always with machine learning algorithms, the more data we have, the better our algorithms. And guess what, giant tech conglomerates such Instagram´s Meta have far more data then we could ever imagine. This results in machine learning solutions that continuously recommend the user with the right content at the right time, creating an experience where the algorithm knows more about us then we do ourselves; or at least so it seems. 

As a result, recommendation engines have been enormously successful across various applications over the past years and the statistics in this case speak for themselves. According to Straits Research (2023), the global recommendation engine market is projected to grow from $3 billion in 2021 to a staggering $54 billion by 2030, with a remarkable compound annual growth rate of 37%. 

This meteoric rise in adoption reflects the growing recognition of recommendation engines as invaluable tools across industries, from e-commerce companies to marketing and advertising applications as well as content platforms.

Here is how to implement Recommendation Engines in your company


All this success of machine learning based recommenders, especially within large conglomerates is great, but the question for many companies, especially startups and SMEs, is how to actually build and integrate these kinds of solutions. Luckily, while the final characteristics of the recommender depend very much on what you want to predict - a product purchase, an ad click or a post that will receive engagement - the kind of machine learning model you end up choosing and the type of data you have available, luckily each of these solutions follow more or less the same kind of framework. 

Here is a simplified breakdown of how recommendation engines function:

  1. Goal Definition: In this initial phase, the focus is on defining the specific business and product goal of the recommendation system. It involves clarifying what the system aims to predict or suggest and how this predictions or suggestions will be used to achieve business goals. This could be recommendations for additional products, encouraging users to click on ad posts, suggesting content, and much more. For example, in the context of e-commerce, the goal could be to recommend complementary products to boost sales.
  2. Input Data Collection and Cleaning: The success of a recommendation engine heavily relies on its input data. In this stage, data relevant to the recommendation goal is collected from various sources. This data can include user preferences, item details, historical interactions, and contextual information. It's essential to clean and preprocess this data, addressing missing values and outliers to ensure the quality of recommendations.
  3. Machine Learning Model Selection and Training: Once the data is ready, the next step is to choose an appropriate machine learning model. This involves training each model on historical data to understand user preferences and item characteristics, and using this information to aim to accurately predict the objective defined in step 1. Finally, the machine learning that achieves the highest performance on an additional test data set will be used for integration into the recommendation system.
  4. Model Integration: In this phase, the selected machine learning model is integrated into the recommendation system. This step involves creating an API endpoint that allows for quick and secure calling of the machine learning algorithm to provide live predictions on the chosen task. After completing this step, your model is ready start producing recommendations for your customers.
  5. Recommendation Generation: Here's where the magic happens. The recommendation engine employs the trained machine learning model to generate personalized recommendations. These recommendations are tailored to each user's preferences and behaviors. For example, in a music streaming service, the engine might suggest songs based on a user's listening history and music genre preferences. In e-commerce, it could suggest products based on a user's browsing and purchase history.
  6. Recommendation Presentation: Recommendations need to be presented effectively to users. They can appear in various parts of the platform, such as a dedicated recommendation feed on an e-commerce site or personalized email notifications in the case of online retailers. On streaming platforms like Netflix, recommendations are showcased on the homepage, and in some cases, even before and after watching content. The goal is to ensure that users encounter these suggestions in a user-friendly and engaging manner

Follow these steps with your product and data teams and you will be guaranteed to build an AI based recommendation algorithm that will drastically improve your user experience and generate you new revenue. 

Diverse Applications of Recommendation Engines

Now that we have seen how you can build and integrate your own recommendation engine, let's dive into the different kinds of applications and business models where an AI based recommender generate the most value. 

In fact, these solutions have proven to be highly versatile tools with applications spanning across numerous digital industries. Their ability to comprehend billions of data points of user behaviour and deliver tailored suggestions for any single customer has completely reshaped the way we interact with digital platforms. 

Let's explore some of the most prominent applications of recommendation engines:


  • E-Commerce and Retail: In the online shopping sector, recommendation engines serve as the driving force behind product discovery and increased sales. E-commerce giants like Amazon utilize these engines to suggest products based on a user's purchase history, browsing patterns, and even demographic information.This personalized approach not only enhances the shopping experience but also boosts conversion rates and revenue.
  • Streaming Services: Platforms such as Netflix, Spotify, and YouTube have flourished with the help of recommendation engines, ensuring users stay engaged. By analyzing a user's viewing or listening history, these platforms provide tailored content recommendations, guaranteeing viewers continuously discover new movies, TV shows, or songs aligned with their tastes.
  • Social Media and Content Discovery: TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook, to name a few, employ recommendation engines to curate users' feeds with content they're likely to engage with. From viral videos to posts from friends, these engines ensure that users stay entertained and connected.
  • Travel and Hospitality: In the travel industry, recommendation engines help users find the ideal destinations, hotels, or experiences based on their preferences, past bookings, and travel history. Booking platforms like Airbnb and Booking use these engines to make travel planning a breeze

Netflix's recommendation engine stands as a crucial driver in the company's remarkable success. The numbers speak for themselves: Netflix has revealed that approximately 80% of their subscribers' video selections come from the recommendations provided by the system. Over the years, Netflix has made substantial investments to refine and enhance this recommendation engine, resulting in the development of a sophisticated and highly valuable recommendation system, estimated to be worth over a billion dollars today (McAlone, 2016). 

These are just a few examples of how recommendation engines have revolutionized digital experiences and become indispensable across a wide range of industries and applications. 

The potential of AI-powered recommendation engines

Now that we have explored the nature and mechanics of recommendation engines as well as their diverse applications, it is time to explore the wide range of advantages, benefits, and potential these AI-driven technologies hold for digital businesses. 

Understanding the power of recommendation engines could be the key to unlocking new heights of success for your digital venture.

  • Boosted Conversions and Sales: In e-commerce, marketplaces and digital platforms, recommendation engines are akin to having a virtual salesperson who knows each customer's preferences inside out. By guiding users to products they are likely to purchase, these engines increase conversion rates by up to 80% (Epsilon, 2018), resulting in a substantial revenue boost.
  • Enhanced User Engagement and Retention: Recommendation engines are your secret weapon in the battle for user attention. By providing personalized content or product suggestions, you can keep users engaged and coming back for more. This translates to longer sessions, increased interaction, and higher customer retention rates.
  • Improved Customer Satisfaction: Personalization is the name of the game, and recommendation engines are masters at it. When customers receive tailored recommendations that align with their tastes and needs, they feel understood and valued. This elevated level of service can lead to higher customer satisfaction and brand loyalty.
  • Data-Driven Insights: Recommendation engines are not just about providing recommendations; they're also data goldmines. The data generated by user interactions can provide valuable insights into user behavior, preferences, and emerging trends. This data can inform your marketing strategies and product development efforts.

Challenges around AI-powered recommendation engines

While recommendation engines offer outstanding benefits, their successful integration into your business strategy requires a keen understanding of the challenges and obstacles that may arise along the way. Being aware of these challenges is a crucial step towards effectively harnessing the power of AI-driven recommendations:


  • Diversity vs. Personalization: Striking the right balance between providing personalized recommendations and exposing users to diverse content or products is a delicate challenge. Overly personalized recommendations can lead to filter bubbles, where users are only exposed to content similar to their existing preferences. This can be especially troubling in the case of news information through social media channels.
  • Data Quality and Quantity: Recommendation engines thrive on data, but ensuring the quality and sufficiency of your data is a fundamental challenge. Inaccurate or incomplete data can lead to subpar recommendations and user dissatisfaction.
  • Algorithm Selection and Deployment: Choosing the right recommendation algorithm for your specific business case can be daunting. Moreover, training and deployment of these models to deliver accurate and relevant recommendations requires expertise and ongoing effort.
  • Scalability and Performance: As your user base grows, the computational demands on your recommendation engine increase significantly. Ensuring that the engine remains performant and responsive under heavy load can be a technical challenge.

Multiply conversion rates with AI algorithms

Here is how AI algorithms can significantly boost conversion rates and drive revenue growth in digital businesses, especially in e-commerce, marketplaces, and digital platforms.

Recommender engines are a powerful tool for achieving these goals. They excel at delivering highly personalized content and product suggestions to users. 

This is how you can apply AI recommendation engines in your digital business to accelerate your growth:

  • Improve Conversion Actions: When users are presented with product recommendations that resonate with their interests and needs, they are more likely to make a purchase. This directly impacts your conversion rates and bottom-line revenue.
  • Cross-Selling and Upselling: Recommender engines excel at suggesting related or upgraded products. This opens up opportunities for cross-selling and upselling, increasing the average transaction value, lifetime value of customers and maximizing revenue per user. Salesforce research (Ding, 2019) 4 found that personalized product recommendations increase average order value by 10%.
  • Streamline Decision-Making: Users often face decision fatigue when confronted with an extensive range of choices. Recommender engines simplify the decision-making process by offering tailored suggestions, making it easier for users to make informed choices and complete transactions.
  • Multiply your Marketing and Sales Reach: These engines extend the reach and effectiveness of your marketing and sales efforts. By delivering personalized recommendations, you can capture the attention of a wider audience and increase the chances of converting prospects into customers.

A great example of an extremely effective strategy leveraging recommendations to drive sales is the success case of Amazon. According to studies by McKinsey (MacKenzie et al., 2013), approximately 35 percent of consumer purchases on Amazon comes from product recommendations based on ML algorithms.  Not only have they used the technology to augment their results, but they also built a reliable and crucial revenue stream within the retail platform. 

Incorporating recommender engines into your digital business strategy can yield significant benefits by not only satisfying your users but also increasing the efficiency and impact of your marketing and sales teams. As a result, your business can leverage its marketing efforts and investments way more effectively and capitalize on all the opportunities of the digital landscape.


For digital businesses, the power of AI-driven recommendation engines cannot be overstated. These intelligent systems have revolutionized the way we interact with digital platforms, reshaping the user experience and propelling businesses to new heights of success.

For startups, SMEs, and established corporations alike, the benefits of recommendation engines are numerous and profound. These engines have a remarkable ability to boost conversion rates, drive revenue growth, enhance user engagement, and improve customer satisfaction. They provide a direct line to the hearts and minds of your customers, making their experience more enjoyable and productive.

So, whether you are a marketplace looking to increase your conversion rate or a startup aiming to improve customer experience, recommendation engines play a pivotal role in achieving your goals. These AI-driven technologies are the cornerstone of digital success, and their secrets are now available for all to explore.

Incorporating recommendation engines into your digital business strategy can lead to exponential revenue growth and be your secret weapon for staying competitive and relevant. 

Take Your Digital Business to The Next Level 

At Crata AI, we are passionate about helping businesses harness the full potential of artificial intelligence and recommendation engines to drive revenue growth and boost conversion rates. Our team specializes in tailoring AI solutions to your specific business objectives and needs.

Don't miss out on the AI-driven future—take the next step towards a more personalized and successful digital venture with us. 

Contact us now to embark on your journey of AI-powered transformation. Let's explore how recommendation engines can generate extraordinary results for your company.


Straits Research. (2023). Recommendation Engines Market.

Epsilon. (2018). New Epsilon Research Indicates 80% of Consumers Are More Likely to Make a Purchase When Brands Offer Personalized Experiences.

McAlone, Nathan. (2016). How Netflix's Recommendation Algorithm Works. Business Insider.

Ding, Jessica. (2019). How Personalized Product Recommendations Increase Average Order Value. Salesforce Blog.

MacKenzie, Ian, Meyer, Chris, & Noble, Steve. (2013). How retailers can keep up with consumers. McKinsey & Company.